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Regular price $35.00 Sale

Flowering kalanchoes have cheery clusters of blooms and are sure to brighten your garden or windowsil. Kalanchoes bloom in response to the length of daylight they receive, and can therefore be encouraged to bloom even during the darkest days of winter. Flowering Kalanchoe is a fairly low-maintenance succulent house plant. Kalanchoe is available in bright oranges, pinks, yellow, red, and white and blooms for several months at a time. 

Choose your option

  • Kalanchoe presented in a white box
  • Kalanchoe presented in a pot

Pots will generally be white in colour unless otherwise arranged style will vary


Position – Kalanchoe need lots of light, preferably a sunny spot by the window in winter and bright indirect light in summer. If your Kalanchoe plant is looking leggy and thin, it probably isn’t getting enough light.  Keep these lovely plants away from drafts and they should thrive.

Water – Over-watering is the main killer of kalanchoes! Allow your kalanchoe to get dry between waterings. Then water thoroughly until it runs out the bottom, and immediately empty the drainage tray. Never leave the plant sitting in water. 

Soil – Well-draining potting mix designed for cacti and succulents..

Maintenance: Remove spent flowers to keep your kalanchoe looking neat. You may also want to wipe or gently spray them to remove dust.

When To Grow – All year round


Growing Tips

Many people treat kalanchoes as an annual, throwing them away after they finish blooming. Getting them to bloom again requires some discipline, but the fun part is that once you get the hang of it, you can make your kalanchoes bloom on cue! Here are some tips for getting your kalanchoe to bloom again:


  • Flowering Depends on Light: To flower they need light, naturally they bloom in early spring. If you want to force your plant to bloom try the following
    • Simulate winter and night light conditions for six weeks by putting your plant in complete darkness for 14 hours a day and bright light for the reaming 10 hours (use a cover or bring it in and out of a closet)
    • Reduce Watering: Water half as often, or even less, during the six weeks.
    •  After six weeks or so, when you see flower buds forming, you can bring your plant back out into normal light conditions and resume watering.